The game is wonderful. It seems very demanding on hardware however. I have a retina Macbook Pro, and I ran the game at 720p with low-medium graphical settings, which is a lower standard than I am used to with the rMBPs decent GPU. That said, the game still looked very nice, in the sense that "low" and "medium" seems to be a higher standard in Bioshock Infinity than many other comparable games. I very quickly forgot about the graphical settings in any case -- the game still looks as good or probably better than on an xBox/PS3, and when youve got bad guys running at you, the immersion is complete.
I should also note that performance issues aside, this port of the game seemed very good to me. I experienced no crashes or other glitches at all.
So investigate the hardware requirements first, but otherwise this is a superlative example of a more thoughtful and complex first-person shooter, in the vein of the original Bioshock or Deus Ex (also available on this store and criminally under-bought by Mac users as far as I can tell).
byrman about BioShock Infinite, v1.0